Our Eco Friendly Paint Guide For a Healthy Home

by the GA Team | Read time 2 min

One of the tried and true ways to update your space is to paint the walls! When transforming your space, its really important to make healthy and thoughtful choices in what kind of products you bring into your home. Can you believe that 80% of the air we breathe indoors is not the safest? That’s because of the volatile organic compounds that are off gassed from our furniture, rugs, bedding, flooring, and paint! VOC’s are quite hazardous to your health and can cause headaches, dizziness, respiratory problems, and even memory loss. Yikes!

Besides cracking open a window and getting houseplants or air purifiers to filter the toxins out the air, one of the smartest things you can do to increase your home’s indoor air quality to to select paint that is eco friendly, with low to no VOCs present in the paint. We have compiled our favorite paint brands that are good for your health and good for the planet. If there’s a brand that’s not on our list just make sure you check the labels to see if it is Greenguard Certified, or if it has any EPA certifications!

1. Clare

Clare paint is dedicated to making the paint selection process as easy as possible. Founder and designer Nicole Gibbons has 54+ designer approved colors that streamlines the process and even uses eco friendly packaging to deliver the product straight to your door.

2. ECOS Paint

ECOS paint is entirely free of VOC’s and has an extensive collection of colors and finishes for both interior and exterior applications. Their Lullaby line offers paints that are extra safe for toddlers and babies. Fun Fact: The Getty Museum, the Louvre and Westminister Abbey all use ECOS paint!

3. Backdrop

Backdrop became the first climate neutral paint company in 2020! It is a direct to consumer paint brand that is affordable and is Greenwise certified with low VOC’s. If you’re looking for saturated color, this is the place to go!

4. Graham & Brown

Graham & Brown offers 400+ colors and also has a selection of eco friendly wallpapers to match! With every purchase, they plant trees to offset emissions.

5. Benjamin Moore Eco Spec

Benjamin Moore’s Eco Spec line is the greenest paint option they have designed to meet the needs of painting contractors. It has zero VOC’s and zero emissions making is the perfect choice for those who love all of their paint colors!

6. Sherwin Williams Harmony

Sherwin Williams’ Greenguard certified line, Harmony, is a zero VOC paint that actually helps eliminate other VOC’s present in the home from carpet and furnishings! You can enjoy the full range of Sherwin Williams’ color selection without any harmful chemicals.

7. Dunn Edwards Spartazero

Dunn Edwards Spartazero line is a flat interior paint that is durable, low odor, and has zero VOC’s. It can be used in residential and commercial settings too.


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