The Source List
Sustainability starts with informed decision making. So, we have put together a comprehensive list of vetted products, companies and resources doing good in our Source List!
It is all there, organized by category for your browsing ease! From furniture to lighting, hard to soft goods and green building materials!
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Sustainable Generational Style
We hope to inspire informed decision making in the designing and building of your home, and to introduce you to the best products for you, the earth and future generations.
All Things Good Ancestor
Check out our latest post here! We’ll be discussing all things interior design, architecture, landscaping, building and more, with a focus on how the decisions we make today will affect generations to come, so that we can all take steps towards becoming Good Ancestors.
Good Buys
Sustainable, ethically made, hand crafted and meaningful, here are the pieces you can feel good about bringing into your home.

Good Ancestor Essentials
A weekly roundup of our 9 essentials for you to shop and explore.
Good Artisans
These incredible artisans are creating goods the right way: sourcing sustainable materials, focusing on true craftsmanship and giving back to their communities. Oh, and they also make absolutely beautiful things that will elevate your home and raise the vibrations of good energy all around!
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#1 Rule: Re-Use
If you’ve got it already and it works good, looks (or can look) good, and feels good, than the best thing you can do is to re-use it!
Know the Source
If you are buying new, whether it’s building materials, furniture or accessories, always ask yourself: Who made it? How was it made? What’s it made of?
Think Past Your Own Life
Asking you to think of generations you will never know takes selflessness to the next level, but we believe in your good heart! With each design decision and purchase you make, first ask yourself “will this let them know I cared?”